What is this metaverse thing is the buzzword of the moment?

Has the future finally arrived at the present? Is everything we imagined happening? What is this #metaverse thing that is the buzzword of the moment? And why on earth should you know about it?

We cannot talk about the #metaverse without first understanding the movement that is happening behind it all. The arrival of #Web3, which is “nothing more” than the evolution of the internet as we know it today, based on #blockchain, #tokenization and #decentralization. Which means, in theory, less power to the big information banks like Facebook and Google, for example, and more autonomy for the user.

Still, with this whole movement, many consumers started to question more about the purpose and positioning of the brands they consume and associate with. Is the #metaverse the place to be for your company?

For One, the metaverse is:

– The means, not the end result. It should be part of a communication strategy that takes into account other points of contact, as it is not accessible to a large part of the population.

– A new channel, providing a new tool to map new consumption behaviors and data collection.

– A universe that is still unknown and unregulated, it is still necessary to gain the trust of users / consumers.

It is a subject that, like you, we are exploring and studying through research and interviews with enthusiasts, users, people who already work in this market. We created a material to explain what we understand so far, with examples of what is going on and a teaser based on our findings. With the right data, we can understand what consumers’ feelings and expectations are, finding unique opportunities for brands to position themselves in the physical, digital and virtual world. Oh, and remember that this first version of the material, is a taste of what we’ve learned so far, so keep an eye on our website for the next versions!

To access the first part of this material and understand the general concepts, click on the link below:


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